Home > News > Qiraat Tour 2022 - Saturday 19th March after Maghrib

Qiraat Tour 2022 - Saturday 19th March after Maghrib


We're delighted to be hosting a Qiraat evening this coming Saturday after Maghrib, featuring some of the most accomplished Qaris in the world today:

Shaykh Yasser Abdulbasit Abdussamad (Egypt, son of the late, great Shaykh Abdul Basit Abdussamad)

Shaykh Muhammad Al Shaeer Al-Azhari

Shaykh Abu Adam Al-Azhari (Darul Qurra, Birmingham)

Sidi Mikhaeel Mala (Darul Qurra, Birmingham)

Don't miss this unique chance to experience beautiful recitations of the Glorious Qur'an. A perfect opportunity for us to prepare for the upcoming month of the Qur'an - Ramadan.

Brothers, sisters and children all welcome.

Spread the word Insha'Allah!
